Caoyuan Ma (马草原)

I am a master's student at the School of Computer Science of Wuhan University from Sep. 2022. my advisor is Professor Zheng Wang. From July 2022 to September 2023, I was fortunate to work at JD Explore as a research intern, with mentors Wu Liu and Xincheng Liu. Throughout my studies, I have been fortunate to collaborate closely with Zhixiang Wang, Xianzeng Ma, and Lixiong Chen.


  • 04/2024  I'm preparing for the ILETS test. I hope to get a 2025 fall PhD position in Singapore or Japan. Feel free to contact me if you have any chances or suggestions.
  • 04/2024  My new research TAAT: Think and Act from Arbitrary Texts already has a preliminary version, which can generate motions with texts processed by LLMs.
  • 03/2024  My first work HumanNeRF-SE was accepted by CVPR2024.

Research interests

Human-centric AIGC
  • Generative Computational Photography: leveraging generative models for image/video reconstruction and re-rendering.
  • Embodied AI: Not only possess advanced cognitive abilities such as perception, reasoning, and decision-making, but also have physical bodies and the ability to interact with the environment. To create a robot like ATRI is my dream.
  • AGI: A agent could perform any intellectual task that a human can, across a wide range of domains, without being explicitly programmed for each specific task. I don't like the current LLMs because they are being taught a lot of useless knowledge.
  • I believe the ideal AGI model only needs basic understanding and execution capabilities, and should be able to use tools like humans when completing specific tasks. The only cloud hanging over the AGI building is the true cause of intelligent emergence, rather than a simple interpretation based on experimental parameters.

Selected Publications

HumanNeRF- SE : A Simple yet Effective Approach to Animate HumanNeRF with Diverse Poses

Caoyuan Ma Yu-Lun Liu Zhixiang Wang Wu Liu Xinchen Liu Zheng Wang

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2024

TAAT : Think and Act from Arbitrary Texts

Runqi Wang* Caoyuan Ma* Guopeng Li* Zheng Wang

Arxiv 2024

All publications